Civic Engagement Assignment #2: Social, Political and Economic Equality after the Civil War

Civic Engagement Assignment #2: Social, Political and Economic Equality after the Civil War

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Civic Engagement Assignment #2 asks you to think about the connections between the post-Civil War era (1865 to early 1900s) and democracy.
STEP ONE: Learn more about the History.
 READ The American Yawp, Chapters 15-19
 READ and ANALYZE at least two (2) primary source documents per chapter in The American Yawp Reader.
STEP FOUR: Respond to this Prompt in a 3 page (~750-1000 words) essay:
Consider the social, political, and economic equality of all Americans in the period following the Civil War. How did African Americans fare during Reconstruction? What was the impact on cultural traditions and customs of American Indians, Latinos, and Chinese immigrants in the West? And how did American politics and industry affect working Americans during the Gilded Age? It’s important to note that historians disagree as to the extent of equality for Americans in the post-bellum (after the Civil War) period. Obviously, some Americans had more equality than others. But the challenge is to cite concrete examples to support your interpretation. You must quote the textbook and specific documents in the reader as evidence to make your case.
 Address every question. Be sure to answer every question in the prompt.
 Organize your thoughts and your argument. Include an introduction that lays out the main argument (thesis). Develop your argument and provide evidence in the body of the response. Conclude the essay with a brief summary.
 Prove your point. Provide ample evidence to support your argument(s) by providing concrete examples and quotations from your reading. Cite relevant people, places, and events, as well as primary sources as evidence.
 Think for yourself. Answer the questions with your own brainpower, in your own words. This is not a research paper assignment—this is an historical thinking assignment. The American Yawp and The American Yawp Reader are the only sources that you may consult.
 Write clearly and carefully. Does every sentence make sense? Poor spelling, syntax, punctuation and grammar are often a sign of sloppiness and will weigh heavily against your grade.
 Avoid personal sentiments. Voice your view, but avoid using the first person and personal sentiments such as “I feel that…” or “I believe that…” Your essay should make an academic argument based on your interpretation of historical evidence—not based on your opinion.
 Follow standard formatting and citation. Your essay should be approximately 750 words, standard font (Times New Roman, 12pt), double-spaced with 1-inch margins. Use standard citation style such as MLA, APA, or Chicago.
Civic Engagement Assignment #2 is due to Cougar Courses
before midnight (11:55 PM) on Saturday, July 22.
Your response will be assessed based on effective Organization, use of Evidence, thoughtful Development and Analysis, Style and Voice, and correct Grammar and Mechanics, according to the grading rubric below.

The essay is unclear with no organization.
The main points of the essay are ambiguous.
Writing has minimal organization and a basic thesis statement.
Writing follows a logical organization, but sometimes drifts from the thesis.
Writing is clear, logical, and very organized around a developed thesis.
The essay does not attempt to use evidence to support thesis.
The evidence provided does not support thesis.
The use of evidence is minimal, but it does support thesis.
There is evidence to support almost every point.
Every point is clearly supported by strong evidence.
Development and Analysis
The essay does not attempt to explain how the evidence relates to the thesis.
The analysis of the evidence has no relation to the thesis.
The analysis of the evidence stretches its meaning to support the thesis.
The analysis explains how the evidence supports the thesis in most cases.
The analysis shows a strong relationship between the evidence and the thesis.
Style and Voice
The essay employees inappropriate style and voice, redundant word choice, excessive passive voice.
The essay employees somewhat appropriate style and voice, redundant word choice, passive voice.
The essay employees somewhat appropriate style and voice, often unspecific word choice, run-on sentences.
The essay employs appropriate style and voice, specific word choice, and clear sentences.
The essay employs appropriate academic style and voice; creative word choice; and clear, active, succinct sentences.
Grammar and Mechanics
Grammatical and mechanical errors in the essay are frequent and severe.
Multiple errors or patterns of grammatical errors are present.
Some grammatical and mechanical errors are present.
Few, if any, grammatical and mechanical errors are present.
The essay contains no grammatical or mechanical errors

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