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Write My Essay For MeBSN4016 Unit 1 Discussion 1 & 2 latest 2016 December
dq 1
Principles of Pharmacology
- For
this discussion:
- Think
about the daily aspects of your nursing practice. - Identify
and describe the basic principles of pharmacology as they relate to
nursing and patient care. - Discuss
how pharmacology impacts your daily practice.
Respond to one other peer. Your response
should indicate that you have read the weekly readings and contain at least one
reference. Additionally, make sure that your response is in accordance with any
of the established faculty expectations. Always be sure to follow proper APA
style and formatting for any citations and references.
dq 2
- One
important responsibility nurses have is the administration of medications
to patients. Nurses must know and understand the principles involved in
the delivery of medications for the treatment of both physical and
psychological diseases. For this discussion:
- Refer
to the journal articles you read for this unit, as you explain what are
considered medication errors and what can be done to prevent them.
Respond to the post of one of your peers. Has
your peer identified information that is different from what you identified?
Your response should indicate that you have read the weekly readings and
contain at least one reference. Additionally, make sure that your response is
in accordance with any of the established faculty expectations. Always be sure
to follow proper APA style and formatting for any citations and references.
BSN4016 Unit 2 Discussion 1 & 2 latest 2016 December
dq 1
- Nurses
must be able to understand the application of evidence-based research in
their nursing practices. This type of research requires nurses to evaluate
outcomes while using evidence-based practices. The readings in this unit
demonstrate that evidence-based practice is part of nearly everything we
do in nursing and they are meant to have you think about it from many
angles. After reading about the use of evidence-based research in nursing:
- Describe
an example of how you currently use evidence-based practice in your
workplace. - Offer
a rationale for this practice.
Respond to the post of one of your peers. Your
response should indicate that you have read the weekly readings and contain at
least one reference. Additionally, make sure that your response is in
accordance with any of the established faculty expectations. Always be sure to
follow proper APA style and formatting for any citations and references.
dq 2
Protocols and Guidelines
this discussion:
- Consider
the different groups of patients to whom you provide nursing care, and the
setting in which you generally work—telemetry, orthopedics,
medical-surgical floor, ICU, et cetera. - Identify
the setting and the groups of patients in this setting. - Identify
a specific disease or condition you have worked with in the past and
discuss the current pharmacological treatments used.- Is
it an evidence-based therapy? - If
not, describe the possible medication errors, as outlined in the
Drach-Zahavy et al. article or the information on the AHRQ Web site.
- Is
- Describe
the protocols, guidelines, and evidence-based practices that are in place
in your current or past work place (be sure to maintain confidentiality of
your work place) to assist nurses in evaluating quality patient outcomes.
Respond to one other peer and discuss the
similarities and differences between the protocols, guidelines, and
evidence-based practices used in your work place and his or her workplace. Your
response should indicate that you have read the weekly readings and contain at
least one reference. Additionally, make sure that your response is in
accordance with any of the established faculty expectations. Always be sure to
follow proper APA style and formatting for any citations and references.
BSN4016 Unit 3 Discussion 1 latest 2016 December
and Psychopharmacology
- Nurses
must have specific knowledge when administering medications to patients.
Each category of medication has its own unique indications, interactions,
and contraindications. All of these need to be monitored both before and
after administrating a medication. For this discussion:
- Select
a high risk medication that you administer in your current practice and
which is prescribed for one of the health conditions you read about this
week. Assume you are starting a patient on this medication for the first
time.- If
you were initiating treatment with this drug on a patient, what will the
patient need to know from a safety perspective?
- If
- List
the drug, its indication, and three safety tips you would want to cover
during education for the initial dose.
As an example, consider the following:
A newly diagnosed Parkinson’s patient has been
started on Levodopa therapy for treatment. The patient has asked for
information on his diet while taking this drug, and what it means when the
physician tells him that he will have to take a drug holiday at times. How
should a nurse answer his questions? What specific information would a nurse
give him regarding his treatment, diet, and drug holiday?
Respond to the post of one of your peers. Your
response should indicate that you have read the weekly readings and contain at
least one reference. Additionally, make sure that your response is in
accordance with any of the established faculty expectations. Always be sure to
follow proper APA style and formatting for any citations and references.
BSN4016 Unit 4 Discussion 1 & 2 latest 2016 December
dq 1
Medication Practices
- For
this discussion, review this week’s Internet resources, linked in the
Resources, and answer the following questions:
- What
do the Internet sites have in common and how do they take different
approaches to providing information to health care workers about improve
patient safety? - Which
of these sites would you be most likely to consult for policy development
or education on safe medication administration for your current practice?
Why? - Support
your position with references from this week’s readings.
Respond to one of your peers to advance the
discussion on incorporating safe medication practices into patient care. Your
response should indicate that you have read the weekly readings and contain at
least one reference. Additionally, make sure that your response is in
accordance with any of the established faculty expectations. Always be sure to
follow proper APA style and formatting for any citations and references.
dq 2
- Many
of us were taught that there were five rights of patient medication. Now,
according to the textbook or Web site you reference, there are six, seven,
and even eight rights. For this discussion, respond to the following:
Does increasing the number of patient rights
make it easier or harder to ensure patients receive the medications that are
ordered in a safe, effective manner?
- Describe
the version of the rights of patient medication you would find the most
effective and describe the rationale for this choice. - Review
the “Nurses’ Six Rights for Safe Medication Administration.”- Do
you agree with the author’s points on medication safety? - Incorporate
this into your decision of the patent’s medication rights. Support your
position with references from this week’s readings as well as outside
sources as needed.
- Do
Respond to one of your peers to advance the
discussion on rights of patient medication. Your response should indicate that
you have read the weekly readings and contain at least one reference.
Additionally, make sure that your response is in accordance with any of the
established faculty expectations. Always be sure to follow proper APA style and
formatting for any citations and references.
BSN4016 Unit 5 Discussion 1 latest 2016 December
- For
this discussion:
- Identify
and describe the different types of communication tools that you use in
your workplace when administering medication to patients.- How
do these tools facilitate effective communication and eliminate
medication errors? For example, how does the Pyxis machine provide
effective communication? - How
do these tools promote patient safety? - Are
there potential barriers to the effective use of these tools?
- How
- Support
your response with references to this week’s readings.
Respond to one other learner. Are the tools
identified similar, or did your peer identify tools that you do not use in your
workplace? Are these tools truly an effective way to communicate when
administering, ordering, or counting pharmacological agents? Explain. Your
response should indicate that you have read the weekly readings and contain at
least one reference. Additionally, make sure that your response is in
accordance with any of the established faculty expectations. Always be sure to
follow proper APA style and formatting for any citations and references.
BSN4016 Unit 6 Discussion 1 latest 2016 December
and Cultural Competence
Cultural sensitivity and cultural competence
are important aspects of the care nurses provide and they are vital components
in the nurse-client relationship. For this discussion:
- Describe
the type of training offered in your workplace to promote cultural
competence.- How
has this training helped you to provide quality care for patient
populations with different types of health disparities? - How
has the training helped you specifically with the pharmacological aspects
of the care you provide? - Are
there other types of training that you feel would be beneficial with
regard to cultural competence?
- How
- Support
your observations with references in the current scholarly literature and
the reading assignments for this unit.
Respond to the post of one of your peers. How
is the training at his or her workplace similar or different from the training
provided at your workplace? Are there aspects of your peer’s training that you
think would be useful for you? Your response should indicate that you have read
the weekly readings and contain at least one reference. Additionally, make sure
that your response is in accordance with any of the established faculty
expectations. Always be sure to follow proper APA style and formatting for any
citations and references.
BSN4016 Unit 7 Discussion 1 latest 2016 December
- For
this discussion:
- Review
Leading Health Indicators on the HealthyPeople Web site. - Select
one of the health indicators and respond to the following:- How
prevalent is this issue in your community or workplace? - What
community health promotion strategies are in place to assist with this
issue? - What
pharmacological agents are typically used to treat the issue? Is there a
particular procedure performed in conjunction with the drugs? - How
do you educate the group of patients? - What
cultural factors or barriers contribute to the group’s health disparity? - Are
the outcomes being measured? If so, how? If not, how might they be
- How
- Support
your observations and strategies with information found in this week’s
reading assignment and the scholarly literature
For instance, obesity is one of the major
health disparities that nurses encounter in their practices today.
- Consider
the patient population you care for, is obesity a common health concern
among a specific group?- What
type of pharmacological agents do you typically administer as part of the
treatment for obesity? - Is
there a particular procedure performed in conjunction with the drugs? - How
do you educate this group of patients? - What
cultural factors or barriers contribute to the group’s health disparity
- What
Respond to the post of one of your peers. Try
to respond to a peer who selected a different health indicator than you.
Discuss the similarities and differences in your communities. What
interventions would you suggest that might improve the situation? Your response
should indicate that you have read the weekly readings and contain at least one
reference. Additionally, make sure that your response is in accordance with any
of the established faculty expectations. Always be sure to follow proper APA
style and formatting for any citations and references.
BSN4016 Unit 8 Discussion 1 & 2 latest 2016 December
dq 1
of Practice
- As
discussed previously in this course, the administration of medications is
primarily the responsibility of the nurse. For this discussion:
- Think
about your own nursing practice—can you think of a pharmacological agent
that requires a second nurse to verify the medication and dosage before it
can be administered to the patient?- How
is this typically done? - What
is the rationale for this process? - Do
you find that your coworkers implement this practice as ordered, or are
shortcuts and work-arounds used to provide “lip service”
compliance? - What
are the potential problems with these work-arounds?
- How
Respond to one other learner. Are you familiar
with the medication he or she identified? Do you think the safeguards that have
been put in place are sufficient? What is your opinion regarding the identified
medication and how it is administered? Your response should indicate that you
have read the weekly readings and contain at least one reference. Additionally,
make sure that your response is in accordance with any of the established
faculty expectations. Always be sure to follow proper APA style and formatting
for any citations and references.
dq 2
- For
this discussion, respond to the following:
- How
does your current workplace define the responsibilities of a nurse
regarding antibiotics sensitivity and resistance to an organism? - Do
you think that the identification of a culture and sensitivity reports
should be part of a nurse’s responsibility? - Support
your position with references.
Respond to the post of one of your peers. What
similarities and differences are there in the way that sensitivity reports are
handled? Do you agree or disagree with how your peer believes sensitivity
reports should be handled? Explain. Your response should indicate that you have
read the weekly readings and contain at least one reference. Additionally, make
sure that your response is in accordance with any of the established faculty
expectations. Always be sure to follow proper APA style and formatting for any
citations and references.
BSN4016 Unit 9 Discussion latest 2016 December
For this discussion, respond to the following:
- Have
you participated in clinical trials at some point in the development and
release of a new drug (for example, the Eli Lilly Phase III trials for
Xigris [drotrecogin alfa] in the treatment of sepsis, or the Novartis
Phase III EXPEDITION trial program for QVA149 [indacaterol/glycopyrronium]
in patients with moderate-to-severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
[COPD])? - What
was your role in this process? - Did
your role follow your scope of practice during the trial? Explain why or
why not, using support from the literature and this week’s readings.
If you have not participated in a clinical
trial in your practice:
- Describe
the rationale for a step in the research and development of a new drug
that does apply to your practice. - Support
your description with findings in the literature as well as your review of
this week’s readings.
Respond to one of your peers by adding to his
or her description. Your response should indicate that you have read the weekly
readings and contain at least one reference. Additionally, make sure that your
response is in accordance with any of the established faculty expectations.
Always be sure to follow proper APA style and formatting for any citations and
BSN4016 Unit 10 Discussion 1 & 2 latest 2016 December
dq 1
and Wellness
Nurses play an important role in planning
patient care for different disease processes. It is vital that nurses know and
understand how to implement treatment plans that address aspects of health promotion
and wellness. Unfortunately, many times patients create their own barriers that
hamper improvement. For this discussion:
- Think
about the clients you see in your own nursing practice and describe at
least two barriers that hinder a plan of care that includes health
promotion and wellness. - Explain
how each barrier works to inhibit the concepts of health promotion and
wellness, using information found in this week’s readings as well as other
scholarly sources.
Respond to one other peer. What strategies can
you suggest to help overcome at least two of the barriers your peer described?
Your response should indicate that you have read the weekly readings and
contain at least one reference. Additionally, make sure that your response is
in accordance with any of the established faculty expectations. Always be sure
to follow proper APA style and formatting for any citations and references.
dq 2
Over the past 10 weeks, you have examined
pharmacology from a patient safety perspective. for this discussion:
- Reflect
back on what you have learned and how you might apply it to your current
nursing practice:- What
three things did you learn that you feel will improve your nursing
practice? - Cite
any of the readings from this course to support these observations.
- What
Review the posts of other peers and respond to
at least one. Your response should indicate that you have read the weekly
readings and contain at least one reference. Additionally, make sure that your
response is in accordance with any of the established faculty expectations.
Always be sure to follow proper APA style and formatting for any citations and
Capella BSN4016 Unit 3 Assignment 1 latest 2016 December
Pharmacological Treatments
- For
this assignment, you will select and examine a disease or health condition
that requires a pharmacological intervention. You may choose any disease
or health condition you wish, but the disease or health condition must be
relevant to nurses in a variety of settings (for example, the E.R.,
pediatrics, public health). Once you have selected and identified a
disease or health condition, identify the areas where nurses are likely to
see the disease or health condition.
- Identify
the disease or health condition. - Describe
the health issues or symptoms associated with the condition. - Identify
drugs most often used in the treatment of the condition. - Explain
the types of actions, side effects, indications, and contraindications
that could be expected from this pharmacological treatment. - Describe
the treatment regime (including pharmacology) that is most often
prescribed for this condition. - Explain
how this treatment regime, including pharmacology, impacts a client’s
lifestyle (including financials, ease of administration – complexity, how
hard are instructions to understand – frequency, length of medication).- Are
there any controversies related to the medication? For example, is there
a black box warning with this medication?
- Are
- Describe
how a nurse should monitor a client being treated for this condition in
order to obtain a quality patient outcome.
Additional Requirements
- Length
of paper:
Be as specific as possible, but try to limit this assignment to no more
than 4 pages, not including title page and reference page. - References: Support your
plan with references to at least two resources, in which one resource
should be outside the required readings for this course. - Formatting: Follow proper
APA style and formatting.
Capella BSN4016 Unit 5 Assignment 1 latest 2016 December
Patient Education Sheet
- This
assignment consists of two important techniques needed to ensure patient
safety and quality outcomes related to pharmacological therapies. For this
assignment, assume your supervisor has asked you to develop a patient
education tool for new “medication starts” in your current area
of practice. You will complete a literature search in order to discover
current information (less than 5 years old) on the medication. This
information will then be utilized to prepare a single-page, evidence-based
teaching tool that highlights patient safety. In the second part of the
assignment, you will describe the process of creating the tool, based on
your findings, in a short, scholarly report.
Part 1: Patient Education Sheet
- Create
a patient education sheet. You can either choose an idea from below or
choose your own topic:- Antibiotics
(Amoxil/Amoxicillin) for pediatric ear infections. - Statin
therapy (Zocor/Simvastatin) for a newly diagnosed patient with
hypercholesterolemia. - Antihypertensive
(ACE Inhibitors/Lisinopril/Zestril) for a patient who was discovered to
have hypertension at a work health screening. - Drugs
for treating gastric acidity: Proton pump inhibitors/antacids/H2 blockers
for a patient complaining of chronic indigestion and heart burn. - Ear
drops or eye drops for an elderly patient. - Any
newly released medication for a patient in your typical practice (can be
a new drug for diabetes, hypertension, or arthritis; or a new
- Antibiotics
- Research
the medication you have chosen and determine what information needs to be
included on a patient education sheet. As you are aware, different drugs
have different safety factors that have to be discussed to increase
compliance and patient safety.- What
information does the patient or caretaker of a patient need to know? - Choose
the categories that you feel are the most important to highlight for your
patients (remember that you are creating asingle-pageeducation
sheet.)- Limit
yourself to 3–5 categories to improve patient understanding. Examples of
categories could include, but are not limited to, common indications,
side effects, questions to ask your doctor, contraindications, and drug
storage and disposal. - Use
pictures that help reinforce education.
- Limit
- What
- Attach
the patient education sheet as an appendix to your paper or attach it as a
separate document.
Part 2: Justification of Information
- Justify
why you decided to highlight your specific educational topics. - Describe
your chosen categories and explain why you felt these were key issues for
patient safety. - Discuss
any consideration to the patient’s cultural needs that were incorporated
into the design of the patient education sheet. - Explain
why you feel those format or design elements were important.
Additional Requirements
- Length
of patient education sheet: 1 page. - Length
of justification paper: 2–3 pages. - References: Support your
decisions with references to this week’s readings and other current (less
than 5 years old) peer-reviewed journal articles and evidence-based
materials. Demonstrate your understanding of the relationship between
patient safety, quality outcomes, and pharmacology. - Formatting: Follow proper
APA style and formatting.
Capella BSN4016 Unit 6 Assignment 1 latest 2016 December
The Riverbend City mission in this unit illustrated the
importance of effective communication. For this assignment, describe two
strategies that you use in your nursing practice to effectively communicate
with other members of your team, and with your patients.
- Describe
two strategies that are used in your nursing practice to effectively
communicate with members of your team and with your patients. - Explain
how the communication strategies reflect your knowledge of pharmacology
policies and procedures, protocol, practice standards, and regulatory
guidelines. - Explain
how the communication strategies demonstrate respect for others and
cultural competence. - Explain
how the communication strategies ensure patient safety with regard to the
delivery of pharmacological agents
Additional Requirements
- Length
of paper:
No more than 3 pages, not including the title page and reference page. - References: At least two
scholarly references, including this week’s reading assignment. - Formatting: Follow proper
APA style and formatting.
Capella BSN4016 Unit 7 Assignment 1 latest 2016 December
Health Disparities
As you think about the patients you currently serve or hope to
work with in the future, it is important to be aware of the health disparities
some populations experience. In this assignment, you will examine health
disparities for a population of your choice and then offer a community-based
approach to improve patient outcomes. When selecting your population, consider
aspects of culture, geographical area, generational factors, and any other
factors that might be considered outside the perspective of the majority
population. Describe the types of health disparities for this group, and then
select one health care concern to focus on for the rest of the assignment. For
example, the elderly might be your population and the health care concern could
be heart disease.
- Specify
the selected population. - Identify
the types of health disparities for this group and select one health care
concern to focus on for this assignment. - Distinguish
factors that create health disparities for this population.- Why
does this group have health disparities?
- Why
- Describe
the identified health concern for this population as well as the
pharmacological treatment for the condition. - Describe
and discuss how the cultural values, socio-economic status, and
traditional beliefs and practices impact the acceptance of pharmacological
treatment for this identified health concern. - Offer
at least one strategy for a community-based approach to improve the
current pharmacological treatment regimens for this population.- What
types of community outreach programs could be consulted to effectively
reach your target population? - Are
there education, access, or other issues that community programs could
help address?
- What
- Discuss
why you believe this strategy would be effective. Support your rationale
with references from at least three resources, at least two of which must
be from resources not required for this course.
Additional Requirements
- Length
of paper:
3–4 pages, not including title page and reference page. - References: At least
three resources, two of which must be from resources not required for this
course. - Formatting: Follow proper
APA style and formatting.
BSN4016 Unit 9 Assignment latest 2016 December
Issues in Pharmacology: A Nursing Perspective
In a professional nursing practice, you will often have patients
whose personal or cultural views on medications may be quite different from
your own. For this assignment, assume that one of the issues below has become a
hot topic in your health care organization or community. You have been asked by
leadership to prepare a PowerPoint presentation to your nursing colleagues in
an effort to raise awareness of the topic. Please view the “Guidelines for
Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” linked in Resources, as well.
- The
use of medical marijuana. - The
use of complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) versus traditional
pharmacology. - Experimental
drug programs and disease management. - Mandated
vaccinations and the implications for parental choice not to vaccinate.
To prepare your presentation, research current, peer-reviewed
journals for articles that present at least two perspectives on the topic. Your
PowerPoint presentation should include the following:
- Discuss
the significance of the topic to your nursing practice and to patient
safety.- What
are the common types of diseases and health issues that are impacted by
this topic? - What
type of patient is typically impacted by this issue? - What
nursing departments or internal departments are impacted by this issue?
- What
- Present
a balanced overview of the issue, including pros and cons, supported by
peer-reviewed journal articles. The focus of this overview might vary
depending on the issue but be mindful of the following:- Community
impact. - Patient
outcomes. - Ethical
considerations. - Health
care organization impact.
- Community
- Describe
how a patient’s cultural beliefs can impact the issue.
Additional Requirements
- Length
of PowerPoint: 10–12 slides, not including the title slide and
reference slide - References: Use the
“presenter notes” section of the PowerPoint to include the
references that support your evidence as well as detailed information you
would include if presenting this information to an audience. The last
slide of the PowerPoint should include a list of the references. Please
review the “Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations,”
linked in the Resources. - Formatting: Follow proper
APA style and formatting.
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