Devry NR443 Week 2,4 and 6 Milestone 1,2 and 3
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Caring for Populations: Milestone1: Community Windshield Survey Form Directions: Please refer to the Milestone 1: Community Windshield Survey Guidelines and grading rubric for specific instructions in order to complete the information below. This assignment is worth 150 points. Type your name, date, and observations directly on this form. Click Save as and save the file with the assignment name and your last name; for example, NR443 Windshield Survey Form_Smith. When you are finished, submit the form to the Week 2 Caring for Populations: Windshield Survey Dropbox by the deadline indicated in your guidelines. YourName: Date: Criteria Your response 1. Introduction of Community (20 points) Identify the city and state of your community and briefly describe the community you will be using for this assignment. It should be the area where you live or the area surrounding your work setting but must include a residential area. Demographic data are not needed. 2. Windshield Survey (100 points) a. Vitality:Use a majority of the questions from Box 6-2 in your text to describe your observations about the community vitality. b. Indicators of social and economic conditions:Use a majority of the questions from Box 6-2 in your text to describe your observations about the social and economic conditions. c. Health Resources:Use a majority of the questions from Box 6-2 in your text to describe your observations about the health resources. d. Environmental conditions related to health:Use a majority of the questions from Box 6-2 in your text to describe your observations about the environmental conditions. e. Social functioning:Use a majority of the questions from Box 6-2 in your text to describe your observations about the social functioning. f. Attitude toward healthcare:Use a majority of the questions from Box 6-2 in your text to describe your observations about the attitudes toward healthcare. 3. Conclusion: (20 pts) Provide a summary of your findings and your conclusion. What problems did you identify? 4. References: optional: List in APA format any referencesthat you used. If you include any references here, you must also include an in-text citation (author, year). week 4 Guidelines for Caring for PopulationsMilestone 2: Assessment and Diagnosis Purpose The purpose of this paper is to provide an opportunity to utilize community assessment strategies, uncover a community health problem, and identify the components of one community health nursing problem related to the community dynamics. Course Outcomes This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes. CO2: Assess the health needs of individuals, families, aggregates, and communities using demographic and epidemiological data to identify population health risks. (PO 4) CO6: Utilize a systems-based and collaborative approach to address factors that influence the health of a community and population health problems. (PO 2) Due Date Submit to the appropriate basket in the Dropboxby 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday of Week 4. Points:225 points Directions Watch the Milestone 2 tutorialby clicking″>link. This tutorial is also available on Course Project page under Course Home as well as Week 4 Assignments page. This paper is expected to be no more than fourpages in length (not including the title page and reference list). Below are the requirements for successful completion of this paper.Please use the following categories as the first level headings on your paper. See the documents in the APA category in Course Resources for assistance with APA formatting. · [Introduction:]This beginning of your paper should catch the reader’s attention with interesting facts about your communityand should include the purpose statement of the paper. This should be one paragraph.APA states that you should not title this as introduction; however, you are still expected to write a separate introduction. The title of the paper should be repeated at the top of page two and centered. · Community Overview: Identify the community that you are assessingby name and stateand provide a generaldescription of the community. What is the general character of the community?Statistics should not be included here. Your community should be the area you live or workin and should include a residential area. It should be a large enough area to answer the questions in the text. This should be one paragraph. · Demographic Data: Compile a range of demographic (population description) data for your community by examining U.S. Census Bureau reports. Using this data, describe yourcommunity. Compare your community data to state or national data. A summary of this data should be no more than two paragraphs. · Epidemiological Data: Compile and summarize a range of epidemiological (illness, morbidity, and mortality) data for your community by examining data from sources such as city or county health department reports, County Health Rankings (, or the Centers for Disease Control to describe priority health problems in your area. See the Webliography for applicable sites to search. Compare your community to state or national data. This comparison will help to identify a priority community health problem specific to your community. A summary of this data should be no more than two paragraphs. · Windshield Survey: Provide a summary of your observationsfrom your first milestone. Make sure to discuss observations related to your identified problem. This should be one to two paragraphs. · Problem Diagnosis: o Using the assessment data, identify one community health nursing problem that you consider to be a priority concern. o Relate your choice to one of the Healthy People 2020specific numbered objectives (not just a goal). Healthy People objectives are located within a topic area under the Objectives tab. o Your rationale should also include why this is a problem in your community and factors that contribute to the problem. Avoid discussion of interventions in this milestone. o Include a discussion of your problem withinformation from at least two scholarly sources (such as professional journal articles).(Review the documents in the APA category in Doc Sharing for help in determining sources that are considered scholarly—hint, .com websites are not considered scholarly sources).This should beno more than three paragraphs. · Summary:Summarize your community assessment and diagnosis findings and include a brief statement about the problemand the major factors that contribute to this problem. This information should be no more than two paragraphs. · Reference Page: All references should be cited within the paperand should be included on the reference page. Guidelines · Application: Use Microsoft Word 2010 (or later)to create this assignment. · Use the categories above as APA headings for the sections of your paper. · Length: This paper is expected to be no more than four pages in length (not including the title page and reference list). · Submission: Submit your file via the basket in the Dropbox: Milestone 2 Assessment and Diagnosis, by 11:59 p.m.MT Sunday of Week 4. · Scholarly Writing: APA format is required. Review APA documents in the APA categoryin Course Resourcesand use the free resources of SmartThinking for writing tutors. · Save your paper with your last name in the document title (e.g., Smith Assessment and Diagnosis). · Late Submission: See the course policy on late submissions. Best Practicesin Preparing the Paper The following are best practices in preparing this project. · Complete the demographic, epidemiologic, and windshield survey prior to choosing a problem to focus on. · Choose onenursing problem specific to your community. · Make sure all elements of the paper are addressed and headings for each category are included. · Review directions thoroughly. · Cite all sources within the paper as well as on the reference page. · Proofread prior to final submission. · Check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission. · Use the A column of the rubric below to ensure that you have included all the needed elements. · Abide by the CCN academic integrity policy. The paper must be your original work. Once submitted to the Dropbox, check back to ensure that your Turnitin similarity index is less than 24%, if not revise and resubmit prior to the deadline. Grading Rubric:Milestone 2: Assessment and Diagnosis (225 points) Criteria A (92–100%) Outstanding or highest level of performance B (84–91%) Very good or high level of performance C (76–83%) Competent or satisfactory level of performance F (0–75%) Poor or failing or unsatisfactory level of performance Pts Introduction 10 points Includes the purpose of the paper and catches the reader’s attention with interesting facts (9–10 points) Missing purpose of paper orhook (8 points) Missing purpose of paperand hook (7 points) Introduction missing (0–6 points) /10 Community Overview 20 points Community identified and adequately described (18–20 points) Community identified but description is inadequate (16 points) Community identified but description is missing (15 points) Community not identified or described (0–14 points) /20 Demographic Data 30 points Describes a range of demographic data about your community fromU.S. Census Bureau reports with comparisons to state or national data (28–30 points) Adequate demographic data described butmissing state or national comparison (25–27 points) Little demographic data andmissing state or national comparisons (23–24 points) Lacks demographic data andmissing state or national comparisons (0–22 points) /30 Epidemiological Data (Disease or health behavior rates) 30 points Describes a range of epidemiological data about community fromappropriate reports with comparisons to state or national data (28–30 points) Adequate epidemiological data described but missing state or national comparison (25–27 points) Little epidemiological data and missing state or national comparisons (23–24 points) Lacks epidemiological data and missing state or national comparisons (0–22 points) /30 Windshield Survey 20 points Community windshield survey findings adequatelysummarized andfindings relate to identified problem (18–20 points) Windshield survey findings adequately summarized but not clearly related to identified problem (16 points) Windshield survey findings not adequately summarized and not related to the problem(15 points) Windshield survey findings not described (0–14 points) /20 Problem Diagnosis 40 points Assessment data used to identify one priority community healthproblem, Healthy People 2020 specific objective included, and rationale for problem selection stated with supportive data (such as factors that contribute to this problem) from two scholarly articles (37–40 points) Problem not related to Healthy People objective orlacks rationale with supportive data (34–36 points) Problem not related to Healthy People objectiveandlacks rationale with supportive data (30–33 points) Problem discussion missing (0–29 points) /40 Application of Evidence-Based Scholarly Resources 30 points Two or more quality references from professional literature discussed with clear support of your problem rationale (28–30 points) Two references discussed, but information does not clearly support problem rationaleor references are not scholarly (25–27points) Only one reference discussed that is directly relevant to problem rationale (23–24 points) No references discussed (0–22 points) /30 Summary 20 points Summary includes assessment and diagnosis findings, a brief statement about the problem, and factors that contribute to this problem (18–20 points) Lacks reiteration of assessment findings or problem identificationor contributing factors (17 points) Summary lacks two or more of:reiteration of assessment findings, problem identification, and contributing factors (16 points) Summary not completed (0–15 points) /20 Presentation 10 points Discussion well organized and logical andstructure is clear and compelling to reader; paragraphs are linked together logically, and main ideas stand out (9–10 points) Discussion missing one of the organizational elements in column one and has some minor organizational concerns (8 points) Discussion missing two of the organizational elements in column one and overall flow is difficult to follow (7 points) Paper appears disorganized and is difficult to understand (0–6points) /10 Mechanics 15 points Excellent mechanics with no more than two of the following errors: – correct grammar, spelling -complete sentences -all sources cited in the text -all references listed on the reference page and in APA format -title page in APA format -correct APA format of headings -12 point font, double spaced, 1 inch margins (14-–15 points)
Devry NR443 Week 2,4 and 6 Milestone 1,2 and 3
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