HCS/545 Week Six Executive Committee Presentation

HCS/545 Week Six Executive Committee Presentation

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Executive Committee Presentation

Click on the Virtual Organization link located on the student website. Click the Healthcare tab, then click the Patton-Fuller Community Hospital link and locate the following information:

  • The Chief Compliance Officer –Compliance Issues files
  • Under the Chief Compliance Officer link – Director of QA/Risk Management – Review all Incident Reports

Prepare a 12- to 20-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation with detailed speaker notes for the executive committee of the hospital that includes the following information specifically based upon the scenarios found in the Patton-Fuller Community Hospital:

Include at least four references


60 Percent

Points Available


Points Earned


Additional Comments:
HIPAA (1996) (As it relates to the incidents)

·        Explains the ethical issues related to data privacy and security (General)

·        Describes the two HIPAA (1996) issues (Incident specific)

·        Indicates how you will respond to the HIPAA (1996) privacy, security and HITECH (2009) breach issues (Incident specific)

·        Describes employee follow-up after breach on each issue (Incident specific)

·        Describes changes to ensure data privacy and security (Either in general or incident specific)

Medical error (As it relates to the incidents)

·        Explains the ethical issues related to medical error (General)

·        Describes response to each of the seven medical errors to limit liability (incident specific)

·        Explains response to Joint Commission concerns (General)

·        Recommends a quality improvement strategy to reduce medical error (In general)


·        At least four peer-reviewed references with no more than 10% a direct quote


20 Percent

Points Available


Points Earned


Additional Comments:
·        The presentation is 12 to 20 slides in length. (Title page and reference page do not count towards slides).

·        The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.

·        The conclusion is logical, flows, and reviews the major points.


20 Percent

Points Available


Points Earned


Additional Comments:
·        The presentation—includes a title slide, reference slide, tables, and any appendixes—and is consistent with APA guidelines as directed by the facilitator. The presentation is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, graphics, and white space.

·        Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct.

Total Available Total Earned

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