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Write My Essay For Me

Fall 2015



The final project is designed to help you explore a topic in public health that is of personal and/or professional interest to you.  There are three different projects to choose from, explained in below.


You will create an 18-24 slide PowerPoint slideshow using one of the three options described below.  Your slideshow should begin with a clear and descriptive title page and end with an accurate reference page.  In addition to written text, you are encouraged to include images, graphs, charts, tables, photos, maps, and diagrams in your slideshow.  Try to have a good balance of pictures to words on each slide.  Wherever possible, you should make reference to concepts and terminology from the course content.  Your slideshow should be logically organized (i.e. it should “tell a story”), clearly written, and attractive.
1 ü  Explore a specific career in public health that interests you and describe the following aspects of that career.

CONTENT OF THE SLIDESHOW:  At a minimum, your slideshow must include the following (not necessarily in this order):

·         Job duties (the specific nature of the duties involved on a typical day) à what do people with this job do?

·         Current/future public health issues related to this job  à what sort of health issues do people with this job focus on?

·         Description of what is appealing about the job à why did you select this career for this project?

·         Educational requirements (entry through upper levels)

·         Credentials required to become permanent in job (if required or suggested)

·         Job location/site (specific nature of the worksite and working conditions) à where do people with this job work?

·         Salary projections (if available)  à how much money does a person with the job typically earn?

·         5-year and/or 10-year occupational outlook (if available)  à is this type of job going to grow in the future?

2 ü  Practice being a “disease detective” by exploring the historical, social, and health-related aspects of an emerging (or reemerging) disease within a specific population. Choose an emerging (or reemerging) infectious disease in the context of a defined geographical area (country, region, etc… ) (Examples: Ebola, Polio, MERS-CoV)

CONTENT OF THE SLIDESHOW:  At a minimum, your slideshow must include the following (not necessarily in this order):

·         Brief overview of the geographical area including map, major health concerns, demographics of population, etc…

·         Brief overview of the disease, including historical information, transmission, health effects, current prevalence

·         Social/economic/political/environmental aspects related to the current emergence of this disease

·         Overview of the current situation related to the disease in the chosen area, including rates, control efforts, research findings, prevention campaigns, etc…

3 ü  Gather information about the health effects of one of six historical environmental disasters and explore the environmental and health-related aspects of the selected disaster.  Choose one of the following disasters: Seveso Disaster (Italy), Love Canal (NY, USA), Chernobyl Disaster (Ukraine), Dust Bowl (USA), Bhopal Disaster (India), Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (Gulf of Mexico).

CONTENT OF THE SLIDESHOW:  At a minimum, your slideshow must include the following (not necessarily in this order):

·         The history of the disaster (the events leading up to it – in other words, the causes)

·         The impact of the disaster on human health (the physical and psychological health effects)

·         Media coverage of the disaster, which might include quotes from interviews, newspapers, news reports, etc…

·         Any ongoing concerns or controversy  à are there any lasting health or environmental effects?

·         The state of affairs in that region today à what is life like for people in that area today?

ü GRADING:  See grading rubric on the following page.

DUE DATE: This project is due via email to by 5:00 pm on Thursday, May 7 at 5PM

SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS Make sure that your final project is YOUR OWN work, and correctly cites the sources you used to develop your project, including the sources of the images in your slideshow.



The following grading rubric will be used to score the final project in PBHL 3000 – the PowerPoint slideshow.

Qualities & Criteria Poor (0-79) Good (80-89) Excellent (90-100)

(10% of grade)

·         Follows requirements of font, format, layout, and style required for college level work.

·         Is between 18-24 slides.

·         Slideshow is clear and attractive

Follows poorly the requirements related to format and layout. Does not meet minimum slide length. Slideshow is not clear and/or attractive. Follows, for the most part, all the requirements related to format and layout. Some requirements are not followed.  Meets minimum slide length.  For the most part, slideshow is clear and attractive. Follows all the requirements related to format and layout. Meets minimum slide length. Slideshow is clear and attractive.

(60% of grade)

·         Information presented is objective.

·         All required elements of the topics are addressed

·         Information is technically sound

·         Information is based on careful research

·         Information is correctly interpreted and presented

·         Accurate and sufficient referral to course material

The slideshow is not objective and addresses poorly the issues referred in the instructions. The provided information is not necessary or not sufficient to discuss these issues.  The slideshow does not adequately reference course material. The slideshow is objective and for the most part addresses with an in-depth analysis most of the issues referred to in the instructions. The provided information is, for the most part, necessary and sufficient to discuss these issues. The slideshow does adequately reference course material. The slideshow is objective and addresses with an in-depth analysis all the issues referred to in the instructions. The provided information is necessary and sufficient to discuss these issues. The slideshow does adequately reference course material.
Quality of Writing

(20% of grade)

·         Clarity of sentences and paragraphs

·         No errors in spelling, grammar and use of English

·         Organization and coherence of ideas with introductory and concluding slides

The slideshow is not well written, and contains many spelling errors, and/or grammar errors and/or use of English errors. The slideshow is badly organized, lacks clarity and/or does not present ideas in a coherent way. The slideshow is well written for the most part, without many spelling, grammar or use of English errors. The slideshow is for the most part well organized, clear and presents ideas in a coherent way. The slideshow is well written from start to finish, without spelling, grammar or use of English errors. The slideshow is well organized, clear and presents ideas in a coherent way.
References and use of references

(10% of grade)

·         Scholarly level of references

·         Effective use of  references

·         Soundness of references

·         APA style in reference list and for citations

·         Citations are provided for both information and images

Most of the references used are not important, and/or are not of good/scholarly quality. References are not effectively used, and/or correctly cited and/or correctly listed in the reference list according to APA style. Most of the references used are important, and are of good/scholarly quality. Most of the references are effectively used, correctly cited and correctly listed in the reference list according to APA style. All the references used are important, and are of good/scholarly quality. All the references are effectively used, correctly cited and correctly listed in the reference list according to APA style.
Overriding criterion: 0riginality and authenticity. If the slideshow or any part of the slideshow is identified as not being original, and/or not done by the student, and/or incorrectly cited, the instructor has the right to hold the student accountable for an Academic Integrity Violation.


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