NR-320 Mental-Health Nursing
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Write My Essay For MeThis assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes: CO 1 Demonstrate knowledge of psychopathology and mental health principles when caring for individuals, families, and groups in acute care and community mental health settings. ((PO #1)CO 3 Utilize communication skills and the four phases of the therapeutic relationship in providing care to psychiatric/mental health clients.CO 4 Utilize critical thinking skills in clinical decision-making and implementation of the nursing process for psychiatric/mental health clients. (PO #4)CO 5 Utilize available resources to meet self-identified goals for personal, professional, and educational development appropriate to the mental health setting. (PO #5)CO 7 Examine moral, ethical, legal, and professional standards and principles as a basis for clinical decision making. (PO #6)DUEDATE: WEEKTHREE(3)TUESDAYCLINICAL– THURSDAYCLINICAL– SATISFACTORY/UNSATISFACTORYREQUIREMENTS: COMPLETETHEPSYCHIATRICCLINICALPREPFORMPREPARINGTHEPAPERAssessment is the frst step oF the nursing process. This process entails gathering and organizing data about the psychiatric/mental health client. This includes a client profle, diagnosis, medica±ons, nutri±onal needs, client problem list and nursing diagnosis.
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DIRECTIONSANDGRADINGCRITERIACategoryDescriptionIntroduction Client initials, age, allergies, date, student name,Client ProfileReason for admission, symptoms upon admission, past history including medical, surgical and psychiatric illnesses, family composition, education, employmentPsychopathologyDescription of the client’s diagnoses including ALL psychiatric and ALL medical diagnosesPertinentdiagnosticExams and LabWorkCurrent data, including the client’s lab values, the normal values, relationship of diagnostic data to client’s diagnosisMedicationPurpose of the drug, class of drug, possible side effects,usual dosage, client’s dosage and nursing implications. All medications including PRN’SNutritionalNeedsType of diet; rationale for any special restrictionsDSM 5Identify the DSM 5 (Psychiatric Diagnosis)Client ProblemListIdentify ALLproblems that apply to the client and identify current intervention for ALLproblemsPrimary NursingDiagnosis:Must be written as a client behavior which is MEASURABEL, VISIBLE, AND/OR EVIDENTShort Term Goalfor TodayMust be measurable
NR-320 Mental-Health Nursing
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